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 Politics Archive 2019

Kamala Harris isn't running to be Joe Biden's vice president
by Nathan'ette Burdine: May 20, 2019

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is making it crystal clear that she’s not running to be Joe Biden or anyone else’s number two.

“I think that Joe Biden will be a great running mate. As vice president, he’s proven that he knows how to do the job and there’s certainly a lot of other candidates that will make, for me, a very viable and interesting vice president.” Senator Kamala Harris made those comments after she got tired of reporters thinking they were giving her a compliment by asking her if she would accept a position as “President Joe Biden’s” number two.

Ever since Biden hopped into the race, the media and the Democratic elites have chosen him as the “Savior” of the Democratic Party.

He’s been polling above 30% in the CNN poll, Fox News poll, and NBC polls. Yet, when he ran for president back in 1988 and 2008, he could barely get double-digits in the polls.

Just stop and ask yourselves, “What has changed since 1988 and 2008 that will make Joe Biden more appealing to the same folks who didn’t vote for him in 1988 and 2008?” Don’t worry. I’ll wait.

Joe Biden is the same Joe Biden he was back then when he was doing more talking than thinking.

The only difference now is that the same media folks who helped a reality TV show host, by the name of Donald Trump, to become president after they showered him with free publicity throughout the 2016 Presidential Race, have chosen Joe Biden to be their media darling because they believe they need somebody who’s just as old and derange as Donald Trump to beat Donald Trump.

They aren’t paying any never mind to the fact that old and stale means epic fail for folks running for president in the Democratic Party. All the media folks want is what they think the numbers say will get them what they want.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not blaming the numbers. The numbers don’t lie. But folks do lie about the data they get because they are trying to sell folks a bill of goods that will benefit them.

So yeah, folks in their right minds can understand why Senator Kamala Harris threw shade at the media’s darling by telling them that their little prince can go back to his number 2 job as VEEP.

Senator Kamala Harris is more than qualified to be the next president of the United States. Unlike Joe Biden, she can talk, walk, tweet, Instagram post, skype, and think all at the same time. Plus, Senator Harris’ work experience as a former state attorney general and a U.S. senator gives her the qualifications needed to be the president.

Yet, the same media who played a huge role in helping a reality TV show host to become president is telling Senator Kamala Harris that she should be happy that a man who couldn’t get his previous presidential campaigns off the ground is considering her to be his number two. 

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